Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sun Drenched Summer

Listening to: Charu's Theme From Satyajit Ray's Film Charulata
As you may have noticed,
one of the first times I posted on this blog I declared my dream to travel.
India was at the top of my list,
one my dreams of travel is finally being realized as I depart to this magnificent faraway land.
Two days from now I will be adjacent to the Indian Ocean
In grapefruit sunsets I'll be engulfed.
I will be ecstatic regardless of anything, because I'll be in India-
If you can't tell I'm beyond excited!
Darjeeling is on repeat..tout le temps :)
Oh and today was marvelous. As one of my last American Days I broke into the Ritz beach, I ate delicious Sir pizza and I swam in my infinite blue backyard.
I love jooyyyy

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Moon Eyes

The other day I happened to meet the most beautiful little girl,
She was very tan and had golden hair and almost silver eyes
She must have been about six.
Her silver eyes became moon shaped and lit up when she spotted my face painting booth.
This little soul was so readable that she seemed like a character from a novel
She hopped into the face painting chair and declared she wanted to be a butterfly.
I painted her little face blue and pink and gave her silver sparkles,
she stared into my sunglasses the entire time acting as if they were a mirror-
She watched herself change into a butterfly
I was entirely fascinated, and she seemed to be as well.
It was a precious moment during a marvelously sun-drenched day.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Prose for Dreamers

Some images captivate my thoughts
Recurring until I write them down
If we all lived in a glass bubble world
We could locate a harmony
Visuals of curly creatures swirled

Vertical life
That man in the sky
He can climb, but not fly.

Lavender lids
Human dolls with lavender lids
We curl into each other
As would a plume of smoke

I can't see through the branches
I drifted up, up, up
Met the man whom I thought could not fly
Mistaken was I-

The light patterned his skin octagons
My holographic man.

My sunshine falls like confetti
Liquid metal rain
Hearts pop playing
In galactic skies, everyone fucks freely.

Monday, May 17, 2010


and thats the e x tent of it.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I would just like to say
Lady Gaga makes the world a sparklier and more interesting place
I would love to own some of her outfits and bows.
She also reps hello kitty which is presh of her
I am a fan.
Lavender!?!?! YES, plz. See, the thing is Gags just rocks herself and I think it's cool that she's kind of in between an alien and a doll. aaaaaaand moooonsters!
this dress

Monday, May 3, 2010

and i suppose there will be days like this

I just feel like this blog has become so anticlimactic. I don't know. I have been having the most troubling difficulties writing as of the past couple of months. I suppose writers block does exist. I mean, I was always a bit dubious about the whole "writers block" phenomenon- I'm not really the type to contract a disease like that or even accept it as a possibility. But it's true. Creativity comes in waves, sometimes you can't write things- you just need to live them. It's not like I don't have interesting things going on- exactly the opposite. I left Paris for good (as much as it pains me to say for good, it is true) about a week ago. I was in New York at good old SLC for a week which was a refreshing integration back into normal life. I returned to my home city of Miami yesterday and of course its been inexplicably comforting. I am here for four days then off to Denver to visit my love Austin for a week then back home for a bit and off to INDIA! geez. eez ez. OH OH and omg omg I saw the best thing ever at Sarah Lawrence. One night Raz, Sarah and I were kickin it behind the music building and we saw WILD BUNNIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omgzzzzzz. best. moment. ever. clearly. So now I'm here and stuff and I don't really know. Life is flowin.